The Dark Knight (1980’s – Present)

After the 1969 Batman TV series, many DC comic book writers began to start writing comics that separated our Caped Crusader from his current campy predicament. Although they were keeping many of the new Batman designs and gadgets, writers began trying to bring Batman to his old dark roots of the 1940’s. Though many Batman comics of the 1980’s did a phenomenal job  bringing the Batman back to his dark past, it still wasn’t enough to bring our campy Bat friend back to his original Caped Crusader status. This all changed in 1989 however, with the release of Tim Burton‘s “Batman”.

This major motion picture version of Batman, prompted a revival of the old Batman style and darkness. Tim Burton has been a huge fan of the old Batman comic books, and wanted to bring that deep story with all of its twists, characters, and darker themes to life. This changed the way the public saw the Caped Crusader once again. This was the start of our very own Dark Knight. After the film, Batman was led on a new path. With “The Batman animated series”, Batman continued to amaze audiences with his dark take on crime fighting, yet still managed to appeal to the younger generation of kids (who probably couldn’t handle a full dosage of the darker side of the Dark Knight).

This leads us into today’s modern Batman. The Christopher Nolan Batman (modern Bats) was created as another homage to the dark past of Batman. Continuing on with the themes that caused us to fall in love with the Caped Crusader in the first place, and possibly take Batman to a new level and maybe a new era of Batman comics in the next decade.

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