Advanced Batman Theory: The Dark Knight Rises

I’m a little disturbed everyone. A friend of mine recently sent me an article entitled, “Advanced Batman Theory: Why Nolan Will Kill Bruce Wayne“. Needless to say I was a little shocked and disturbed by what I read. However, before I rant about what I read I would just like to share a link to the article so all of you don’t have to read my terrible summary.

Advanced Batman Theory: Why Nolan Will Kill Bruce Wayne

Disturbing right!? Okay, well maybe it is not an emotionally terrifying article, but it still frightens Batman fans. I mean Batman NEVER dies, and if by some off chance a comic book writer tries to kill off Batman it is almost always in the future, or Batman comes back to life by some odd means, or its a non-canonical representation of Batman (not an official Batman story). So the idea of big time movie director Christopher Nolan, under the consent of DC Comics, killing off our beloved caped crusader is mind boggling.

The article connects all three of the Batman films with Nolan’s earlier film, “The Prestige“. The author, Cody Johnston, claims that Nolan’s films follow the pattern of The Prestige. 1. The Pledge, 2. The Turn, and 3. The Prestige. He connects the three films respectively to the three tenants of The Prestige. Seems simple enough, but Johnston then connects this same theory with Nolan’s other films, claiming “The Prestige” as the pledge, “Inception” as the turn, and “The Dark Knight Rises” as the prestige…crazy.

So, I know you are all asking, “why is this article so important to an upcoming Batman movie?” Well I will tell you why. Yes this article is not written by Nolan, and yes this article is in no way a credible movie article, however what this article does do is make a huge leap (using some interesting logic) in assuming that Batman will die in the upcoming film. Nolan did state that his final Batman movie will be the end of Bruce’s story, and it is a very common thing for Nolan to make very interesting turns in his films. A death of the Bat may not be that far of a stretch…well at least in film. As a Batman fan, the proposed idea that Bruce Wayne may die on film is insane and I felt that all of you may feel the same.

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